Monday, 4 October 2010

My Prelimenary task

In the preliminary task we were asked to make a sho-rt film an edit a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chairopposite another character when whom she/he then exchanges a few lines of dialogue.
You had to include up to three different shots. these shot are, match on match action, shot/reverse shot and 180 degree rule. We prepaired for this task by making a story board and choosing a location to shoot the film. In the film we normally had the main character centre screen. But sometimes we had them slightly of to the side.My role in this film was to be one of the main characters.
On the whole i was happy with the main result of the film but it would be better if we had three or more differnt types of shots. I also feel that we could of made the speaking more clear throughout the film. I think that our group on the whole worked very well together because we were confident of our own abilities and felt comfitable so it was easy to work together.i also find it very easy to work the camera which makes it easy for everyone and i can also work with Imovie because i have the feature on my phone.

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