Tuesday, 13 December 2011


Activity 1:

I feel that our music video has developed and challenged lots of different conventions of real media products. The music video itself shows in 9 distinct frames:

This first screen shot shows the narrative of the band members "George" and "Luke". The lyrics at this point of the music video relate to the shot itself. The lyrics of " this groundhog day goes round" is shown in the shot, as George is starting the day again. The location used in this shot shows to the audience that band member George is a bad boy, due to the fact that hes drinking alcohol on the way to school. The long to medium shot shown in this scene is used to show the location where George is going. This makes it easier for the audience to understand the shot itself. The slight tilt of camerawork is used to make the audience know exactly where George is located and where he's moving to in the scene. The costumes used in this scene consist of indie clothing, this type of clothing should help the audience to identify the genre of the music video itself.    

 This screen shot shows to the audience that the music video is humorous and also alternative in the genre category. The representation of the band fulfilled the record label's expectations in many ways for example, the record label we are using is Cherrytree records. This record company only employ alternative bands, which is the genre in which we are using for our music video. The setting used in this scene shows that George is still at school, which shows to the audience that George could be up to the age of 18. The costumes used in this scene shows that George is wearing indie clothing which shows to the audience that this music video is in the alternative genre.

This screen shot shows George being thrown out of class for being naughty. This instantly shows to the audience that George is a bad boy in the video. This scene optimises the record label chosen, due to the fact that Cherrytree records employ the bad boy look in the alternative genre. The location of the shot shows George in a classroom, this shows to the audience that George is still at the age to go to school. The medium shot shown in the scene is used to make the viewer feel like there in class at school.

This screen shot shows people at school cheering for George when he arrives at school, this implies to the audience that George is a well loved person at school and a bit of a ladies man. This scene also helps show the relationship and expectations of the record label used for the music video. The genre of the film is defined in many ways for example, from what the characters are wearing. This is a big part for the audience due to the fact that they can define what the video is interpreting. The location of the shot shows to the audience that George is at school, the location also shows to the audience that George is under the age of 18 which could help to promote the song to the younger target audience. The camera work used in this scene helps to show the audience how significant George is being at school to the fellow pupils.

This screen shot shows George with his new girlfriend after changing his lifestyle on his way to his concert. This shows to the audience that George is happy with his life change. This scene relates to the song in many ways for example, the lyrics "this groundhog day goes round" shows the change in the video when George meets a new girl. The genre of the music can also be defined in this scene from George being dressed in indie clothes, this would instantly show to the audience the genre of the video. The setting of the scene is backstage of a concert, this shows to the audience that George's life has changed for the better and he's moved on from being a bad boy. The camera work of a medium shot helps to show the location of George so the audience don't get confused.

This screenshot shows the band performing around the world. This would show to the audience that George's lifestyle changes were a success. This scene optimises the expectations of the record label cherrytree records. This is shown in many ways fro example, the costumes used will show the audience that the genre of the music video is indie. It is also shown from the age of the band members, this would create the target audience in which the song should be sold. The location of the shot shows to the audience that the band is a big success and that the sudden change of lifestyle for George was definitely the right idea.The costumes used in this scene would instantly show the audience what genre the song is based. The expressions used on the faces of the band members also show the audience that the video is humorous.

This screen shot shows the audience that George is on the way out of his house. This would help the video to flow and to build up important parts of the video to the audience. The genre of the music is defined in many different ways in this shot, for example, the clothes that George is wearing, he is dressed in indie based clothes, this would help to define the genre to the audience. The medium shot used in this shot was used to show the expressions and mood that George was in. This would help top build a relationship with the audience. The location is easily defined to the audience from George walking down stairs, this would show that he was at home.

This shot shows to the audience George on his way to his concert. He is approached by an old friend who is trying to convince him to change back to his bad ways. The representation of the artist to the record label is shown in this scene in many ways, from the costumes, for example, Indie clothing George is wearing. The medium shot shown in this scene helps to show to the audience George's expressions to being approached by his bad friend. It also shows his expressions when he see's his girlfriend, this shows the audience that George has moved on from his bad ways.

Activity 2:
For the CD promotional package we decided to use the of 'No Identity'. This theme helped us to create the CD cover and magazine advert. 

When finally deciding on the theme we then look at the way in which we wanted to CD and digipack to relate to the theme itself. From doing this we then discovered Example's album 'Won't Go Quietly', this album features many images of the artist with lots of different costumes on for example, a monkey costume. When choosing to use the same format as example, we felt that this type of view was eye-catching and different from normal album covers. Using the different costumes in the and shot types on the album cover this also suggests the humorous  aspect of our music video. When viewing example's album cover we came to the conclusion that he had white backgrounds to all his photos, so we decided that we would have a light grey background to show that we hadn't copied example's way. The use of the grey would also linked with one of the songs in the album, during the song 'Oh Me Oh My' there's lyrics in the song "Same grey northern sky". The use of grey also suggest a change to the world of the songwriter.

For the inside cover and magazine advert we decided that it would be the main character 'George', holding a piece of paper infront of his face, this shows to the buyer of the album that we are trying to suggest the album name 'No Identity'. when editing the photo's we decided to add and effect to make the pictures more appealing to the buyer. We also edited in the title of the album, 'No Identity' onto the blank piece of paper to reinforce the theme.

For the cover behind the CD, we decided to use special effects to create a curved look to fit in with the CD itself. we felt that this was a good idea because we felt that it would almost help to support the CD. From first glimpses of the photo it suggest that the character is confused and lost. 

For the back cover we decided to suggest the 'No Identity' theme buy using the back of the character's head 'George'. This again shows confusion at where the boys life is going and so emphasises the meaning of the song itself. As a group we decided not to use an effect on this photo to show to the buyer that the character may start to think straight and had found a path in his life at the end of the album.

Activity 3:
For this part of the evaluation I decided to use wordle to create an image which shows some of the feedback and criticism in which we received as a group for our music video.

Activity 4:
For this part of the evaluation I decided to use wordle again to create an image of the different software's and hardware's used in the research and planning of the music video including the evaluation stages.

Apple iPhone: We used an iPhone to capture images for the story board, the CD cover and practice images for the CD.

YouTube: We used YouTube to research for genres and different artists for the music video itself and also to upload the video when completed.

iTunes: We used iTunes to listen to music from unsigned bands and also when chosen the song we listened to the song on this programme.

iPhoto: We used this programme to import and edit many photos which were used on the music video, digipack and CD cover.

Final Cut Express: We used this software to create the music video itself.

Photoshop: We used this software to create the digipack and CD cover for the music video.

Video Camera & Tripod: We used these types of equipment to shoot the film itself and also to produce practice shots for the music video.

Digital Camera: We used a camera to take pictures for the music video, CD Cover and Digipack.

Facebook: We used Facebook to ask users to complete our questionnaires, from doing this we has fantastic results.

From using all of these Helpful hardware's and software's I feel that we created a successful film. I feel that using the experiences of last years project it helped me in many different ways for example, when using most of the software's we knew exactly how to use them and all the little things which first time users don't know. I also feel the use of the Video camera last year helped when creating the music video due to the fact that we also knew exactly how to use it. When using the main software 'final cut express' i felt that this time round it was very easy to use and is still one of the best editing software's around. When searching for a unsigned artist at first it was a struggle, but when using YouTube it became a lot more easier and we found the artist and the song we used in know time.

This image shows the magazine advert
This image shows the main advertisement, we decided to choose the same image as the middle of the CD box. This shows the theme of the album itself which is 'No Identity'. From the character 'George' hiding his face it shows to the audience the theme of the album. The effects for this image was chosen carefully, we decided to choose a blury effects, this would suggest to the buyer that 'George' is trying to change his life for the better.

Thursday, 22 September 2011


1. Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics
(e.g. stage performance in rock video, dance routine in hip hop)

2. There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals
(the words are interpreted visually either through a narrative, or figuratively through signs and symbols)
3. There is a relationship between music and visuals
(the editing of the visuals is closely linked to the rhythms of the music)

4. The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work
(a visual style)

5. There is frequently reference to notion of looking (screens within screens, telescopes, mirrors etc) and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body

6. There is often intertextual reference
(to films, tv programmes, other music videos etc)

Monday, 19 September 2011

The Wombats music video genre research

The Wombats
·         The band are signed to 14th Floor Records and Bright Antenna in the United States.
·         In January 2007, the band released a second limited edition vinyl called Moving to New York, then in May of that year they released a third single which reached number 35 in the UK Singles Chart. Their debut album, entitled The Wombats Proudly Present: A Guide to Love, Loss & Desperation, coincided with the release of "Let's Dance to Joy Division" in October 2007, and peaked at number 11 in the UK Albums Chart.
·         The summer of 2008 saw the band perform live at a number of major festivals including Glastonbury Festival in June and T in the Park in July, opening the BBC Radio 1 / NME Stage set on the Friday. They also played Reading and Leeds Festival on the Saturday and Friday respectively on the Radio 1/NME Stage supporting Babyshambles
·         The first single to be released from the album, "Tokyo (Vampires & Wolves)" was released in the UK on 27 September 2010] and debuted on the UK Singles Chart at number 23 marking the band's fifth Top 40 hit and third most successful single to date.
·         The Wombats won the Best Dancefloor Filler award at the Shockwaves NME Awards 2008 for their song, ‘Let’s Dance To Joy Division’.

·         They are currently on a successful tour around Britain

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Evaluation 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

On the whole I feel I have learnt a lot from working on our preliminary task for example, I’m very confident now when using certain software’s like IMovie and Garage Band. But I also feel that I’m now confident when using the camera equipment, for example, the camera itself and tripod. On the whole of doing the preliminary task I learnt how to use a basic video camera and all its equipment. But now after using the camera for a long period I now know how to use all of the features that it offers. I now also know from using these cameras how to pick what shots for each scene. As a group for the preliminary task we decided to stick to all of the rules of filming for example, shot reverse shot and the 180 degree rule. When filming our opening sequence we managed to stick to the 180 degree rule and included both shot reverse and match on action shots. When using these shots in our opening scene and the preliminary task it made it look very professional and real.

On the whole I feel after using the Apple mac computers to edit our film was very easy and helped make a professional and very scary film. At first, I found it difficult to work sound effects and the functions but now it’s very simple and easy to use.  The main programme we used was Garage Band at first we couldn't work out how to get the piano setting up on the screen but after a couple of minutes we found it and created a great piece of scary music to go in our film.

Evaluation Activity 6 - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

We used Youtube to find clips of films trailers and the opening scenes of films instead of buying them which helped immensely. We also used this website to search for other people’s films and there issues they came across when filming.

We also used the software iTunes to move the music we created on garage band to our film. The software was simple to use and as a group we learnt very quickly to use it.

I used Google to research into different film and genres. Google made my life a lot easier to find the films we were after. Because it listed thousands of films and there genres.

When I was first introduced to Blogger I found it quite difficult to use, but after a while I found it simple and easy to use for example, when putting work on the blog. My favourite part about the blog was the easy way of adding pictures to the blog to make it more effective.

One of the best software I used was Garage Band this helped with composing every bit of music on our film. This software was very easy to use and very effective when creating music.

EVALUATION ACTIVITY 5 - How did you attract/address your audience?

This screen shot shows a real link to the film ‘The Strangers’ because of the real life house setting. This shows the audience that it’s very real because it’s similar to their own lives and creates a scary atmosphere. This is our USP, the fact that it’s so close to the audience’s real life. From the research that we found from using questionnaires we gained the knowledge of our target audience. We found out that we should aim our film at young couples from the age of 15 upwards because we feel that they can get the feel of the film.

This screen shot shows the character 'George' relaxed on the sofa watching television. this shows to the audience that hes very comfortable and not worried about anything. This shows to the audience that its very realistic and refers to their lives. This would create an Adrenalin rush for the audience and make them want to come back. Also from the research that we found from doing the questionnaires the audiences want to see real life relating movies, because it scares them even more. We also added sound effects to make the atmosphere more appealing and scary to the audience. Most people who filled in the questionnaires believe that sound effects really effect the film and make it a lot more spooky.

Evaluation Activity 4 - Who would be the audience for your media project?

Natalie is a member of our target audience. She is 19 years old and she is very interested in horror films especially our type of horror film. She shops at Primark, Accessorise, Jack Wills and Topshop. She listens to lots of types of music genres but here favourite artists are JLS, Pixie Lott and Katy Perry. Natalie enjoys watching The Inbetweeners because she finds it very funny and relates to real life. Her favourite film is ‘The Strangers ‘because she loves the way that the audience have to think about how things that could happen next and the way it really relates to real life. This is what attracts her to our film, 'Knock, Knock Who’s There?’ Our film would keep Natalie on the edge of her seat and she would get the adrenalin rush that she craves for when watching these films.

In the opening 2 minutes of our film ‘Knock, Knock Who’s There?’ there is a use of weapons which we feel that is inappropriate to certain ages so we decided to rate our film as 15. We also feel children under this age will be terrified by our film and its very wrong for them to watch it.