Sunday, 12 December 2010

EVALUATION ACTIVITY 5 - How did you attract/address your audience?

This screen shot shows a real link to the film ‘The Strangers’ because of the real life house setting. This shows the audience that it’s very real because it’s similar to their own lives and creates a scary atmosphere. This is our USP, the fact that it’s so close to the audience’s real life. From the research that we found from using questionnaires we gained the knowledge of our target audience. We found out that we should aim our film at young couples from the age of 15 upwards because we feel that they can get the feel of the film.

This screen shot shows the character 'George' relaxed on the sofa watching television. this shows to the audience that hes very comfortable and not worried about anything. This shows to the audience that its very realistic and refers to their lives. This would create an Adrenalin rush for the audience and make them want to come back. Also from the research that we found from doing the questionnaires the audiences want to see real life relating movies, because it scares them even more. We also added sound effects to make the atmosphere more appealing and scary to the audience. Most people who filled in the questionnaires believe that sound effects really effect the film and make it a lot more spooky.

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