Sunday, 12 December 2010

Evaluation 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

On the whole I feel I have learnt a lot from working on our preliminary task for example, I’m very confident now when using certain software’s like IMovie and Garage Band. But I also feel that I’m now confident when using the camera equipment, for example, the camera itself and tripod. On the whole of doing the preliminary task I learnt how to use a basic video camera and all its equipment. But now after using the camera for a long period I now know how to use all of the features that it offers. I now also know from using these cameras how to pick what shots for each scene. As a group for the preliminary task we decided to stick to all of the rules of filming for example, shot reverse shot and the 180 degree rule. When filming our opening sequence we managed to stick to the 180 degree rule and included both shot reverse and match on action shots. When using these shots in our opening scene and the preliminary task it made it look very professional and real.

On the whole I feel after using the Apple mac computers to edit our film was very easy and helped make a professional and very scary film. At first, I found it difficult to work sound effects and the functions but now it’s very simple and easy to use.  The main programme we used was Garage Band at first we couldn't work out how to get the piano setting up on the screen but after a couple of minutes we found it and created a great piece of scary music to go in our film.

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